Rights Respecting Schools

We are delighted to announce we are officially a GOLD ACCREDITED RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOL. We received an excellent report from Jenny Price (RRSA Professional Adviser) who joined us for our Gold Accreditation Visit back in April 2024. Jenny couldn’t speak highly enough of the group of pupils who took part in the visit and the many other pupils she encountered during her tour of the school. As a school, we are immensely proud to have received Gold and can’t thank the children and staff enough for all the hard work they have put in to creating a rights respecting environment here at Tulloch Primary School.
Here is a snippet from our report ...
As a Rights Respecting School, we are always working and striving towards a better future for our children. Our aim this term is to make the children aware of the 17 Global goals for sustainable development. We will continue to link these into assemblies, our lessons and everyday life in school. Keep your eyes peeled for related homework tasks and we would love for these goals to be a focus of discussion at home too!
Look out for our ‘Right(s) of the Month’ on our newsletters and check out our Gold Rights Respecting display in the downstairs corridor. It’s full of fabulous evidence of how we promote Children’s Rights at Tulloch Primary School.