P3 Rm6 miss stewart
In Primary 3, we enjoy a soft start each morning to help us settle into school, play with friends, and get ourselves ready for the day. During this time, we may read as a group with Miss Stewart or take part in an independent task using our time management skills to ensure it is completed before the end of soft start. We also have Rainbow Challenges that we aim to complete at one point throughout the week. Before we start our lessons, we take time to go through the daily timetable and discuss the day of the week.
We work hard every day to read and write common words, learn new sounds and apply our knowledge of our sounds to our reading and writing. We also enjoy exploring numbers, apply our core learning in topic lessons and reflecting on our learning each week. We work hard to demonstrate our listening target and work our way up the listening ladder. We enjoy our P.E lessons on a Monday and Digital lessons with Mrs Laahs-Bloomer on a Wednesday. We enjoy sharing our achievements and work hard to earn a place on the “Treemendous Work” wall. Our buddies spend time with us once a week helping us read or play numeracy games with us.
We have been learning about our rights and how important these are to us. We have created our class charter and have chosen to focus on the following articles in our class:
- Article 12 – we have the right to have an opinion,
- Article 28 – we have the right to learn,
- Article 15 – we have the right to join groups
We are continuing to earn table points in order to be in for a chance of winning table of the week! Points are earned for lots of different reasons e.g. by showing good listening, using manners, being kind and respectful to others and showing good focus during learning. We can also earn House Points for being Ready, Respectful and Safe around the school and playground. Each of us has a classroom job that we change weekly, and we enjoy having the responsibility that comes with this.
We have had a great start to Primary 3 and we look forward to a fun-filled year!