Tulloch Primary School

Tulloch Primary School
Courage and Compassion


Tulloch Primary School have become a Voice 21 school.  Voice 21 is a National Oracy programme focussing on effective listening and talking skills for pupils to ensure every pupil voice is heard and valued.

You can find out more here 

At Tulloch Primary School, oracy plays a prominent role in teaching and learning. The ability to listen actively, speak clearly and communicate articulately is seen as a fundamental part of the learning process. Critically, oracy underpins the development of reading and writing, and is key to progress in all subjects. We strive to develop oracy skills through the curriculum, lunchtimes, extra-curricular activities, and the whole ethos of the school.

Oracy can be described as a combination of learning to talk and learning through talk.

At Tulloch, there is a shared understanding of how talk supports and enriches learning. We believe that developing oracy skills provides our students with a platform to be heard and the ability to actively listen and engage in learning. We aim to encourage fluent speakers, who are confident to communicate, debate and present in a wide range of situations.

We use a variety of different approaches to embed oracy across the curriculum. Starting with a focus on effective listening.  Learners are introduced to the concept of a listening ladder which provides strategies to support engagement and understanding during lessons. Once this has been understood and embedded, the development of language becomes a focus, with all classes being provided a range of opportunities to apply their talk skills and expand on vocabulary. These can be during lessons in class, at assemblies, within extra-curricular activities, in skills groups and wider experiences. We value pupil voice and work with learners to explore opportunities to develop their language.